
NASA has sent back a photo of what appears to be spiders crawling on the planet’s surface to explorers traveling to study the planet’s orbit.

The photo, captured by the Cassini spacecraft on July 20th, 2017 and released on Friday, is one of the most recent findings from the mission. The spiders were spotted by one of the instruments inside the spacecraft’s aerosol sampling unit (ASU), which is used to measure particles in the atmosphere. What is NASA sending back […]


Birds are very patriotic creatures even before they hatch. This was surprisingly discovered by scientists studying the eggs of yellow-legged gulls.

If you’ve ever seen a yellow-legged gull nest, you know that they build some pretty wild nests. But did you know that their nests are actually quite patriotic? A study published in the journal PLOS One discovered that the eggs of yellow-legged gulls contain traces of American and Canadian flags. What do scientists discover when […]


On August 15th, the Russian Space Agency, which will be separated from the International Space Station, showed the model of the space station they are planning to build.

Russia may be withdrawing from the International Space Station, but they’re not done with space yet! On August 15th, the Russian Space Agency released a model of the space station they are planning to build. It will be larger than the ISS, and will allow for more research. What is the Russian Space Agency? The […]


On July 19, 2020, 1.47 milliseconds before the 24-hour mark, it completed one week of orbiting the Earth.

On July 19, 2020, 1.47 milliseconds before the 24-hour mark, a small asteroid dubbed “Asteroid 2020 TQ” will make an extremely close flyby of Earth. If you’re curious about what this means for humanity, or just want to know more about asteroids in general, read on! What is meant by 1.milliseconds? 1 millisecond is the […]


India’s bid to become the first to explore the moon’s south pole has been thwarted after engineers on Earth lost contact with a control unit on Chandrayaan-2’s lunar lander.

India’s ambitious mission to explore the south pole of the moon has been thwarted after engineers lost contact with a control unit on the lunar lander. The setback comes as a major disappointment for India, which had been hoping to become the first country to achieve a soft landing on the far side of the […]


Neil and Buzz successfully make it to Michael Collins, who is waiting above, and return to Earth safely.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the Moon on July 20, 1969. After spending just under two hours on the lunar surface, they return safely to Earth. While their feat is remarkable and remains a source of inspiration for many people, it’s also worth noting that they had help […]


Images released by the Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope on the island of Hawaii reveal objects as small as 30 kilometers across the Sun’s surface.

The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope has released images of the Sun’s surface that reveal objects as small as 30 kilometers across. This is significant because it means that we now have a better understanding of how the Sun works and evolves. Images Released by the Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope Images have been released […]


We need to know that science is not something we leave after school.

Science has always been seen as a subject that is left after school, or something that people do when they have time to spare. But this isn’t the case any more – science is now essential for everyone, and we need to make sure that we continue learning about it. What is science? Science is […]


All the knowledge of humanity that will be placed on the moon

The moon is a fascinating place, and one that has been eyed by humanity for centuries. As we learn more about it, we’re finding that it may be the perfect place to store all the knowledge of humanity. What is the Moon? The Moon is an astronomical body that orbits Earth, being Earth’s only permanent […]


A group of people who do not believe in modern science are about to embark on an expedition to the South Pole to prove that the world is flat and not round.

If you’re like most people, you probably believe that the world is round. After all, it’s been around for centuries and has been proven time and time again by scientists. But there are a few stubborn people out there who don’t believe in modern science, and they’ve decided to go on an expedition to the […]